Wet Mountain Valley
Saddle Club

Thank you for your interest in upholding our promise to the community, our youth, and our members, while maintaining our common interests and goals. It is our members and our volunteers who keep this organization moving forward! Thank you to all who have donated your time & talents. We hope to continue our success and increase memberships and volunteerism in 2025!
All members must complete and submit a membership form and completed waiver before their membership is valid. Complete electronically and email your forms to WetMountainValleySaddleClub@gmail.com or mail them with your check (if not using PayPal here) to the address on the membership form or bring them to the next members' meeting.
Hint: Download the form and complete in Adobe Reader, then save to your hard drive before emailing to WetMountainValleySaddleClub@gmail.com.
Individual Membership $35
Use of Arena and Trail Obstacle Course
25% rental discount for Building & Arena
10% off any Saddle Club sponsored on-site Clinic
Free entry into Saddle Club fundraising events
Family Membership $55
Use of Arena and Trail Obstacle Course
25% rental discount for Building & Arena
10% off any Saddle Club sponsored on-site Clinic
​Family includes children under 18 years
Free entry into Saddle Club fundraising events
Business Membership Benefits $75
Family Membership Benefits plus
Monthly Business Ad in Newsletter and on Website (must send Ad to WetMountainValleySaddleClub@gmail.com)
Free entry into Saddle Club fundraising events
​Trainer Membership Benefits $150
Business Membership Benefits plus
Use of Arenas for Lessons
Articles on Website​
Free entry into Saddle Club fundraising events
Lifetime Individual Membership Benefits $500
Individual Benefits plus
Membership Plaque, Brass Plate to be displayed in Club Building
Free Admission to Rodeo and all Saddle Club sponsored on-site events
50% discount for Building & Arena rental for your events
Seating at Stampede Rodeos when available
Lifetime Family Membership Benefits $750
Family Benefits plus
Membership Plaque, Brass Plate to be displayed in Club Building
Free Admission to Rodeo and all Saddle Club sponsored on-site events
50% discount for Building & Arena rental for your personal events
Seating at Stampede Rodeos when available